You can still use Find Fusion if you are under 18 years old!
Find Fusion is a signposting platform for learning opportunities offered by organisations and schools in the City of London and beyond. It enables you to find events, courses, projects and resources relevant to you, connecting and curating learning opportunities around themes such as learner type, skills, curriculum or interest areas.
As an under 18 year old visitor you are welcome to browse all the Listings and Learning Journeys that have been shared on Find Fusion, however for data protection reasons we are currently unable to offer you the ability to register for a user account. This only means you will not be able to use the ‘favourite’ functionality on Listings and Learning Journeys, but you can still click through and access all learning opportunities or offers that you are interested in.
We are constantly looking at ways we can improve Find Fusion and this may change in the future, so do please keep checking!