What is Mosaic?

Mosaic is a free group mentoring programme for learners aged 11-18, delivered in our key metro areas.

The aim of the programme is to:

  • Raise learner aspirations

  • Build self-belief

  • Develop employability skills.

Mosaic is delivered in school by trained volunteers through a series of 1-hour sessions. The delivery of these sessions is flexible and is something that can be discussed based on the needs of your learners.

The Benefits of Mosaic

  • Free programme. Depending on your location and availability, the programme is fully funded.

  • All resources provided. All resources for the sessions are provided and are found in our Mosaic resource library.

  • Group mentoring. Young people work in small groups for the mentoring session.

  • Delivered by volunteers. Our volunteers bring their knowledge and expertise to enrich the sessions.

  • Flexible delivery. Delivery is organised locally. This ensures it meets the needs of both the school and volunteers.

  • Option to visit a workplace in a World of Work visit. Where possible, The King’s Trust works to organise a visit to a workplace.

  • Gatsby benchmarks. Supports schools in England to evidence Gatsby benchmarks 5 and 6 GIRFEC and SHANARRI indicators. Supports schools in Scotland to work towards these.