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About Fusion Skills

Research increasingly tells us that for young people to succeed in our rapidly-changing world, it is vital they develop a strong, wide-ranging mix of key skills.

Skills such as Critical Thinking, Resilience, Creativity, Problem Solving, Oral Communication and Initiative are now crucial as they help individuals better navigate our fast-evolving society, and make them far more attractive to employers.

The City of London Corporation has been advocating for the acknowledgment and advancement of these skills since 2018, terming them ‘Fusion Skills’ – though they are also often referred to as ’employability skills’.

The City Corporation’s initiative, Find Fusion, is designed to help educators link their learners with skill development opportunities provided by various organisations.

Find Fusion helps educators find workshops, programmes, projects and resources that will support learners in building these essential skills. The platform lets educators navigate skills-building opportunities via themes such as learner type, skills, and curriculum area. By creating an account, you can bookmark interesting opportunities in a private hub and share opportunities you’ve created with the community.

3 students having a conversation with eachother in a classroom
Fusion Skills

What are Fusion Skills?

Fusion Skills – also referred to as Employability Skills – are the key competencies, characteristics, and tools that individuals need to excel in the 21st Century environment. These skills are vital for everyone, from school-age children to working-age adults. Our list of Fusion Skills is relevant across all industries and is based on research with schools, businesses, and cultural venues.

In many professional and personal contexts, individuals will need to utilise their Fusion Skills to engage, communicate, learn, and thrive.

The 12 Employability Skills are:

1. Presentation Skills

In today’s world, being able to talk with confidence and share your ideas is like having a superpower. Whether it’s acing a presentation in school or rocking an interview for your dream job, being clear and confident with your words makes all the difference. Our Oral Communication & Presentation Skills resources are here to help your learners find their voice and express themselves with flair. Dive in to discover opportunities that will boost your learners’ oracy skills and discover the power of their voice!


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2. Collaboration & Team Work

It’s true what they say – many hands make light work! Success often comes down to working together with a variety of people in a variety of settings. Collaboration & Teamwork skills are essential for building a sense of community and understanding shared goals. Take your learners on skills-building journeys through activities and projects that will help them enhance their communication skills, respect diverse viewpoints and strengths, and work towards common objectives. Explore resources and programmes that boost cooperation, helping learners build strong, supportive networks and helping them to shine in team environments.


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3. Initiative

Positive change doesn’t just happen by chance — it takes initiative! Being proactive is all about spotting opportunities, dreaming up new ideas, and chasing goals with energy and determination. When learners embrace initiative, they start tackling challenges head-on, coming up with creative solutions, and making a real impact. Check out resources and programmes designed to ignite learners’ drive and equip them with the tools to lead, innovate, and make their mark on the world.


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4. Problem Solving

Every day brings its fair share of challenges, and strong problem-solving skills are your best tools for tackling them. It’s all about thinking critically, coming up with creative solutions, and overcoming obstacles with flair. By boosting problem-solving abilities, educators can prepare learners to navigate uncertainty and come up with smart fixes. Explore resources and programs that sharpen problem-solving skills, helping learners take on any issue and make decisions that count.


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5. Organisational Skills

In our fast-paced world, we often have to juggle multiple responsibilities. Having solid organisational skills is crucial to staying on top of it all. Understanding how to plan, manage time, and prioritise effectively helps learners handle their workload like pros, hit deadlines, and stay focused on their goals. Check out resources and programmes that boost organisational skills, giving learners the tools they need to plan smart and hit their objectives.


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6. Adaptability & Flexibility

In life, things don’t always go as planned. Adaptability and flexibility are crucial skills for handling whatever comes our way. Being able to quickly adjust to new situations and tackle unexpected challenges with ease is more important than ever. Check out programmes and activities designed to boost these skills, helping learners to succeed in fast-paced and constantly changing environments.


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7. Written Communication

In a world full of emails, reports, and social media posts, being able to write clearly and persuasively is critical. Strong writing skills help learners get their ideas across, captivate their readers, and leave a lasting impression. Dive into resources and programmes that boost writing prowess, guiding learners to master the art of crafting clear, compelling messages for all sorts of purposes and audiences.


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8. Autonomy

Being a self-starter is a game-changer for personal and professional success. It’s all about managing tasks, making decisions, and solving problems without needing constant supervision. By developing independence, educators can help learners build their confidence, take charge of responsibilities, and improve their reliability. Check out resources and programmes that boost autonomy, helping learners take control of their own learning and tasks, and thrive on their own terms.


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9. Critical Thinking

Innovation is all about breaking the mould, and creativity is the spark that makes it happen. It helps us think outside the box, explore new ideas, and tackle problems from fresh angles. By nurturing creativity, educators can encourage learners to experiment boldly and express unique ideas. Explore resources and programmes designed to boost creativity, inspiring learners to put their own unique stamp on their work and unlock their full creative potential.


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10. Resilience

Facing setbacks is a part of life, but bouncing back is what really matters. Resilience is all about adapting, recovering, and staying focused when challenges arise. By teaching learners how to be resilient, educators can motivate them to tackle difficulties with a positive attitude and determination. Check out resources and programmes that boost resilience, helping learners embrace challenges, learn from their mistakes, and come out stronger and more confident in both their personal and professional lives.


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11. Creativity

In today’s world, innovation drives progress and solutions are often not straightforward. Creativity allows us to think outside the box, generating original and exciting ideas. Creativity drives us to explore new possibilities, approach problems with fresh perspectives, and bring imaginative concepts to life. Learning to think creatively can help learners develop the ability to think in new ways, experiment boldly, and express their unique ideas. Explore resources and programmes designed to enhance creativity in learners, inspiring students to put their unique stamp on their work and unlock their full creative potential.


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12. Analysis & Evaluation

Sorting through lots of information or data can feel overwhelming and confusing without strong Analysis & Evaluation skills. These skills can help learners build a more accurate picture so they can decide what’s truly important. By boosting these skills, educators will help learners better assess evidence, and interpret information in more sophisticated ways. Check out resources and programmes that make analysis and evaluation easier, helping learners cut through the clutter and make smarter, more informed choices.


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Fusion Skills

What are Fusion Skills?

Despite the ubiquitous and increasing relevance of Fusion Skills, they are continually underrepresented in national, local and organisational policies and practices which means many individuals are being left behind. Since 2018, the City of London Corporation has been championing recognition and action around Fusion Skills.

In 2019, the City Corporation commissioned research to develop the list of 12 Fusion Skills and has since furthered this research through the investigation of assessment frameworks and taxonomies of these skills across the education, culture and business sectors. Learn more about Fusion by exploring the ‘Fusion Factor’ white paper, the Fusion Manifesto, and our research report ‘Transferrable Skills in the Workplace’

Find Fusion aims to bring together learning experiences from across the education, culture and business sectors to support learners, whatever the stage of their journey, to develop Fusion Skills to bolster their employability and to flourish in the 21st century.

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