We are very excited to have launched the Find Fusion website and to be able to share this platform with our partners and beyond to signpost the amazing learning opportunities on offer throughout London and beyond. Find Fusion enables you to find events, courses, projects and resources relevant to you or learners that you work with, as well as share your own learning offers with others.
The platform connects and curates learning opportunities around themes such as learner type, skills, curriculum or interest areas. By registering for an account, you can save favourite opportunities to your own private Hub, curate them into bespoke Learning Journeys, and share your own offers with others.
We want Find Fusion to be a place to find and access a wide range of learning opportunities and are excited to see the site grow – but we need your help in order to do this. Help us turn our vision into a reality by registering for a Find Fusion account, sharing your learning opportunities through publishing Listings, create unique learning pathways through curating Learning Journeys, and save already shared Listings and Learning Journeys relevant to you or learners you work with into your Hub. You can find out more about the types of content you can find and publish on Find Fusion in our ‘FAQ’ section.
Listing Card Example:
Learning Journey Card Example:
The team behind Find Fusion is the Education Strategy Unit at the City of London Corporation and our aim is to bring educators, cultural partners, training providers and businesses together to share and find opportunities for learners of all ages. We believe in lifelong learning, so opportunities that are listed on the Find Fusion website are for a range of ages from a teacher looking for a colouring resource for her early years class to highly experienced adults who may want to access a training course. Find out more about us in the ‘Who we are?’ section.
Core to our work and Find Fusion is Fusion Skills, a set of 12 skills which are the competencies, characteristics and tools individuals need to flourish in the 21st Century Fusion environment. These 12 skills fuse together and intertwine throughout your life whether that is your working or personal life. These Fusion Skills aren’t exclusive to a particular sector but are instead needed across all sectors and learning, fusing together to create well rounded individuals throughout different aspects of their life or career paths. For example, the Fusion Skill ‘creativity’ is needed to be actor but is also essential for a finance manager. On Find Fusion you will be able to search for learning opportunities and pathways tagged by Fusion Skills. Learn more about Fusion and Fusion Skills in the About Page. Find out more information in the ‘Fusion Skills’ section.
This News page will be used to cover a variety of things including articles informing you of changes to the site, blogs that highlight national weeks or months e.g. Children’s mental health week and upcoming events which may be of interest to you.
If you have any questions, thoughts or you would like to connect with us please do get in touch via the ‘Contact Page.’
Start your Find Fusion Journey today!